
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Randomness 40th Edition

In an article last week about the L.A. Clippers the commented on being happy that Clippers long time voice Ralph Lawler got to see some good basketball, after watching more bad basketball then Red Klotz. While readers know I totally disagree that the Generals are "bad basketball" given their circumstances, I loved that Red Klotz was mentioned in an article not about the Generals. Implying his reputation in basketball goes beyond having to explain. To read the article CLICK HERE!

The Jewish Press did an article about a recent game between the Elite and the Globetrotters. It was a good article, but my favorite part was the author talking about what great showmen everyone was, including the opposing team. He seemed to be up on Globetrotter history, so considering where it was being reported I am surprised that he didn't talk about the Elite's (AKA former Washington Generals) deep Jewish roots.

The article was also interesting in showing the cultural diversity the Elite and Globetrotters deal with in their travels. As he talked about the uncomfortable nature of many of their routines that here in the states we would not think twice about. The article also showed how well the Globetrotters handled it when he respectfully addressed the issue with "Sweet Lou". Definitley an interesting read and not the same old fluff piece that since starting this blog I have read over and over again. (Seriously, reading article after article from someone talking about the Globetrotters hitting their town. You would be surprised how much so many of them start to all sound alike)

To read the article you can CLICK HERE!

I came across a short article on Doug Stewart being contacted by Brown in regards to a head coaching job. Steward, who has been part of the coaching staff at Oregon State for the last several years, was a long time member and former team captain for the New York Nationals. And was seen playing for the team during the Globetrotters ESPN Christimas Special, which turned out to be their last televised game for over a decade. To read the article CLICK HERE!

And to close off this edition, here is a video from a recent game of the International Elite performing the keep away trick with the Globetrotters. Which ended with a nice nothing but net 4-point shot. Note: The sound is kind of loud in this one, so you might want to turn it down before playing the video.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Congratulations To The Elite/Select On Another Completed American Tour

Photo by Keith Jones.
Used with Permission.
This is slightly premature as the team is finishing their final week in Hawaii against the Globetrotters. But I want to congratulate the International Elite/Global Select (if this dual name thing continues, I'm going to have to figure out an easier way to type it.) on finishing the 2012 North America Tour.

This isn't really the end of their "season" as the team will have many games overseas coming up, not to mention another military tour and another series in their "home town" of Willwood, NJ this summer. But as far as the US tour is concerned the team will basically be calling it quits until the 2013 tour. I still hold out hope with the tour will come a return to the Green and Gold, but of course they have my support no matter what their uniforms say on them.

I hope most of you reading this blog had the pleasure of seeing them perform with the Harlem Globetrotters. I got the pleasure of taking my nephew to his first Harlem Globetrotters game and it was a memory I hope will last a lifetime for him.

Although, I think he was embarrassed when I cheered for the International Elite (in a respectable way that in no way involved booing the Globetrotters. Like any good fan of the team should) but he still had fun.

Here is looking forward to covering the team as they begin the international legs of the tour (which usually comes with some new signings) and looking forward to 2013 already.